Message from Principal

The most common comments when visitors participate in a tour of the College, or visit the College, are about the orderly learning environment and the energy of the staff.

At the College we aim to create a learning environment that takes into account individual pathways for each student and we plan to achieve that pathway with each student, the adults in their life and their teachers. In recent years, the success of the VCE pathway to tertiary study is well known, equally successful is the VCAL pathway to employment and training.

At this College each student belongs to a house whose leadership takes a personal interest in their development. Students remain in their house from year 7 to year 12. House spirit and friendly house rivalry is a strength of this College. The house system also enables the development of student leadership roles. In recent years student leadership has become central to the culture of the College, our assemblies are always student led and feature student achievement. We aim to create a culture that achieves and celebrates success.

This College is not bounded by its school fences. The College accepts its role in the community and supports local organisations that enhance community life. We accept our role in the state and participate, and we accept that our students will be global citizens and we foster links with students and schools in other countries.

It is equally true that the College is supported by its community, individuals, organisations and businesses of Stawell all do so much to enrich the learning environment.

The future of this College is unbounded. After visiting our web site I urge you to visit the College and see this for yourself.

Murray Hart

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